

The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspin Wall

Story name-The Lighthouse Keeper of Aspin Wall
Author-Henryk Sienkiewicz

This is the story of an old man around seventy years named  Skavinski.He came to occupy the position of lighthouse keeper in Aspin Wall. He sits in his workplace and thinks of his early life. He took up many jobs and left all of them one by one due to lack of success and this was his last job as he felt that his life was coming to an end. The sky is one whole and water the other and between these two the soul of man lies in loneliness says the author but he felt more happiness in his life than ever before. Many memorable moments flashed across his mind and the end of the story is really sad. I felt this story as one of the best stories I have read among short stories and I insist all of you to read this book.


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